SEO Management
OBRN Media is an SEO company based in Cork. We also specialise in Websites, Graphic Design & Photography/Videography. We develop bespoke SEO campaigns to suit the needs of our clients as well as offer monthly SEO packages.
Why Is SEO Important?
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of enhancing the quality & quantity of traffic to your website by improving your ranking on the search engine results page (SERP).
Statistics show that over 75% of people do not scroll past the first page of search engines. Therefore, SEO is a key driver of traffic to your website. When you improve your search engine ranking you maximise your visibility in the search engines; making it easier for your customers/clients to find you which, in turn, gives you the opportunity to increase your conversions both online & in-store.

What Do We Offer?
When your website is published, it is only the starting point. At OBRN, we offer ongoing SEO support to our clients to get your website working for you from the moment it’s published.
Each website will have SEO & be tracked with analytics. This combination will put you in the best position possible to learn about & improve your website SEO, which will help get your website to the first page of the search engines.
Web analytics is a vital part of a website as it will provide valuable information such as who visits your site & what they do on it. Information like this allows you to understand your website & find out how to get more traffic to it.
OBRN's Aims With SEO
- Increase your presence online
- Bring quality leads to your website
- Increase the organic traffic to your website
- Strengthen your domain authority